Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Click on your question in the list to go directly to the answer you seek.

Don’t see your question here? Ask a Librarian.

How much does it cost to use the library computers and Wifi?

How long can I keep the books I check out?

Will a librarian help me with the computer?

Will a librarian do something quick for me on the computer? I don’t know-how! (or I’m in a hurry!)

How much does it cost to check out books?

How much does it cost to check out movies?

What happens if I lose a book or my dog chews it up or my toddler draws all over it?

What if I can’t pay my fines or the replacement cost of a lost book?

What if I find an old book someone in my family never returned? Or that I forgot to turn in? Will I be in trouble if I turn it in?

Q. How much does it cost to use computers and WiFi?

A. The library provides these services free at our locations. You will need a library card in good standing to use our public computers. The WiFi is always open to all.

Q. How long can I keep the books I check out?

A. Three weeks.

And then, if no one else has put that book on hold, you may renew it and keep it another three weeks. You can renew up to two times, for a total of potentially nine weeks of book bliss.

Q. Will a librarian help me with the computer?

A. Library staff are happy to help you with your questions about technology and how-to questions whether you’re using your own devices or our public computers. In fact, providing free technology help is a big part of what the modern librarian does!

Q. Will a librarian do something quick for me on the computer? I don’t know-how! (or I’m in a hurry!)

A. Library staff members are not allowed to complete tasks for you on the computer. For instance, a librarian will not fill out your unemployment request, tax form, or job application, and a librarian will not write a paper, do homework, or type up a resume for you. But a librarian can help you to do those things by answering questions and will gladly point you to resources that will help you. For instance, the library staff member would be happy to help you research that awesome A+ paper you’re going to write. (Go, you!)

Q. How much does it cost to check out books?

A. It’s free, and we are a fine-free library. If you are late returning a book there is not a fine. If you lose your book, all you need to do is contact your library and make arrangements for a replacement.

Q. How much does it cost to check out movies?

A. It’s free, and we won’t charge a fine if you are late. Movies can be checked out for seven days.

Q. What happens if I lose a book or my dog chews it up or my toddler draws all over it?

A. Life happens, and we understand that. The librarian will mark that book as lost and ask you to pay what it costs the library system to purchase another copy. Contact our branch to make arrangements to replace or purchase another copy.

Q. What if I can’t pay my fines or the replacement cost of a lost book?

A. We are a fine free library system. You may call 601-774-9297 and ask to speak to the library director. We can work out a payment plan that’s right for your circumstances. We want to help you keep using the library!

Q. What if I find an old book someone in my family never returned? Or that I forgot to turn in? Will I be in trouble if I turn it in?

A. You probably cannot imagine how happy librarians are to get books back when they thought they were gone forever! So of course we make it extremely easy to bring back those books. We have drop boxes at each branch or you may return the materials during our open hours.